12 Days of Salem

‘Tis the season of giving and we at Old Salem and the Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts realize that we have much to be thankful for.
2021 has been a challenging year, but because of the investments of many generous friends and donors, we have been able to accomplish so much. As the year draws to a close, we are taking some time to reflect on these accomplishments, and share with you the gifts we are able to offer our community, thanks to your generous support! We hope you will make a contribution to our 12 Days of Salem end-of-year campaign. Every gift, no matter the size, will help Old Salem and MESDA continue our innovative programming into the new year!
Since the pandemic started in March 2020, we have transformed our gardens, our bakery, our research, and education models. We created Learning in Place educational programming to serve communities of teachers, students and families learning at home, and introduced other innovative programming such as Study South and History Nerd Alerts! to serve digital communities looking for access to the latest research, scholarship, and engagement with museum professionals.
The last 16 months have been difficult for everyone, but we have learned that when we come together, we emerge stronger and more resilient. If you value Old Salem and MESDA, please support us with a tax-deductible gift to 12 Days of Salem and help us continue to serve and invest in our community. Our work is made possible by the ongoing support of friends like you.
Make an Impact
12 Days of Salem is a period of reflection, positivity, gratitude, and looking ahead. Each day for 12 days (December 6-17, 2021), we will showcase an Old Salem and MESDA program that is a “gift” to our community. Some of these gifts will be familiar, while others will be exciting programs you will look forward to, and perhaps experience, in the new year. Remember, our success is only possible because of the ongoing support of friends like you.
We hope the these 12 Days of Salem will inspire you to continue to support Old Salem and the Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts. Please, make a contribution to 12 Days of Salem today and help to continue our forward-looking efforts at Old Salem and MESDA.
Did you know that your gift to Old Salem and MESDA might qualify for up to a $300 charitable deduction under the CARES Act? Following special tax law changes made earlier this year, cash donations of up to $300 made before December 31st 2021 are now deductible when people file their taxes in 2021. Learn more!
I Have Questions!
How does it work?
You can make a contribution to 12 Days of Salem online by clicking here, filling out the online giving form, and making a safe and secure donation using your credit or debit card. But don’t forget that this is an online campaign! Help us to reach our goal by spreading the word through your social network. You will even have the option to let us give you a social shout-out by including your Facebook name and/or Instagram handle in a post. But don’t worry, we will not publicize the amount you give, just the fact that you support Old Salem and MESDA! Alternatively, you can mail cash or a check made out to “Old Salem” or “MESDA” to:
Office of Development
600 S. Main Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Please include “12 Days” on the memo line of your check.
What is the goal?
The goal for 12 Days of Salem is to raise $10,000 from public contributions by December 31st 2021.
When is 12 Days of Salem
12 Days of Salem will officially take place December 6-17, 2021, but we can continue to take contributions to meet our goal through December 31st, 2021.
Is my gift tax deductible?
Yes! Donations to 12 Days of Salem are 100% tax deductible. When you make a gift toward 12 Days of Salem, your donation is collected by Old Salem Museums & Gardens, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, and all donations are deductible to the full extent provided by law.
What if I already make an annual gift to Old Salem or MESDA through my membership?
First, THANK YOU for your annual gift through our membership programs! If your membership is due to renew between November 1st-December 31st, 2021, you will have an opportunity to make an additional gift to 12 Days of Salem. All gifts made to 12 Days of Salem are fully tax-deductible, while not all gifts of membership are fully tax-deductible.
What are the minimum and maximum donation amounts?
The minimum online donation amount is $10 and there is no maximum donation! All gifts made to 12 Days of Salem are non-refundable.
Are there any fees associated with donations given to 12 Days of Salem?
There are no fees assessed to the donors for their contributions. 100% of your donation directly benefits the preservation, restoration and educational programming at Old Salem and MESDA.
Do I have to make my contribution online?
No! ! If you prefer to write a check, please be sure to include 12 Days of Salem on the memo line. This will ensure that your donation is recognized properly and reflected in the 12 Days of Salem campaign goal. You can mail your check to:
Office of Development
600 S. Main Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Please include “12 Days” on the memo line of your check.
Can I make my gift to 12 Days of Salem in anonymously?
Yes. Donors will have the option to remain anonymous when completing the online giving form.
Can I make my gift to 12 Days of Salem in honor/memory of someone?
Yes. Donors will have the option to make those choices when completing the online giving form.
Can I make my donation using my phone?
Yes! If you have web capability on your smart hone, simply click here to give.
Will I receive a receipt for my contribution?
Yes. A formal gift acknowledgement from Old Salem Museums & Gardens will be sent to the email or mailing address listed at the time the gift is made.
Beyond a donation, how can I support 12 Days of Salem?
You can spread the word among your friends and networks about 12 Days of Salem! Join the online campaign by sharing and liking posts made to Facebook and Instagram. Please share your Old Salem or MESDA story and why Old Salem and MESDA matter to you. Be sure to use #12DaysofSalem!
How will I be recognized as a donor?
Donors will receive a gift acknowledgement email from Old Salem Museums & Gardens. Additionally, all donors will be recognized in Old Salem Museums & Garden’s Annual Report. Donors who wish to remain anonymous will receive a gift acknowledgement and will be listed anonymously in Old Salem Museums & Gardens’ Annual Report.
What will Old Salem Museums & Gardens and MESDA do with my personal information?
Donors participating in 12 Days of Salem will receive thank you and tax acknowledgement letters. Donors may also receive standard emails from Old Salem and MESDA with information on donor events or the use of gift vehicles to support the organization. Donors can opt-out of the emails at any time. Donor information is NEVER given or sold to third parties.
What are the tax benefits of the CARES Act?
The new CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act is designed to help you, businesses, and nonprofits facing economic hardship during the coronavirus pandemic. Here are a few keys provisions one the CARES Act that may affect you and your charitable goals:
New Tax Incentives
The CARES Act expands charitable giving incentives and allows taxpayers who take the standard deduction to make up to $300 of charitable contributions to qualified charities this year. You might think that this is a small amount and would not make a difference, but what if all our donors gave “just” $300? Such support would have a huge impact on our mission-driven activities and those we serve.
For those who do itemize their donations, the new law allows for cash contributions to qualified charities such as Old Salem, Inc. (legal name for Old Salem Museums & Gardens/MESDA) to be deducted up to 100% of your adjusted gross income for the 2021 calendar year.
Required Minimum Distributions Suspended
The new law temporarily suspends the requirements for required minimum distributions (RMD) for the 2020 tax year. This probably comes as a relief to many of you who would have had to withdraw from your retirement accounts. Many of our donors use their RMD to make a gift from their IRA. Despite the RMD suspension, remember that if you are 70 1/2 or older, you can still make a gift from your IRA or name Old Salem, Inc. (legal name for Old Salem Museums & Gardens/MESDA) as a beneficiary.
Why a gift from your IRA may still be a good idea:
Your gift will be put to use today, allowing you to see the difference your donation is making.
You pay no income taxes on the gift. The transfer generates neither taxable income nor a tax deduction, so you benefit even if you do not itemize your deductions.
Since the gift doesn’t count as income, it cn reduce your annual income level. This may help lower your Medicare premiums and decrease the amount of Social Security that is subject to tax.
Information contained herein was accurate at the time of posting. The information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor.
If you have additional questions, please feel free to send them to our Office of Department at [email protected].